May 15, 2024
3 min read

An Explorer Of The World (2/2)


I trust your week is travelling well.

One thing I can say about my job is that every single week is different to the last.

The diversity of conversations and even the tapestry of ideas that is also known as My Daily To-Do List is so very different every day; I'm not sure if it's something I love about my job, or loathe, but what I do know, is that if we're to live our purpose, we must discover it in a life filled with exploration.

And if we are to discover something meaningful, we must explore the world, experiment with a willingness to fail, and be prolific in all that we do.

This last week I launched my third online course that helps young and emerging creative professionals get better at selling their creativity. Something creative people are notoriously — and somewhat stereotypically — terrible at doing.

My friends and I also reframed how accessible leadership might be as we experiment with new ways of working and turning up as leaders ourselves

In this last week I also helped run my daughter's primary school Mother's Day stall, I was interviewed for a podcast in Munich and a board position here in Australia.

Please say something nice if they call you for a reference.

I watched in awe as my team delivered the brand transformation for a financial institution. I synthesised research transcriptions, catalogued photography and bashed out half a communications strategy and stopped because I'm a master procrastinator.

I asked for advice and I listened intently.

I had lunch with a CEO and was invited to speak in overseas.

I ran the furthest I've ever run in my life (22.29kms) and I ate more than I could handle as my family celebrated Greek Easter with my 88-year old father and his tribe — my tribe.

I wrote in my journal and I consoled a friend who lost a parent. I walked along the beach and spoke to one of my dearest friends about depression and loneliness.

We stopped walking and we hugged.

I celebrated 19 years of marriage with my best-friend and partner in life.

I read a book about the 100 Years' War on Palestine; a murder mystery set in the Ottoman Empire in 1901, the autobiography of a leader, and another about the perspectives on identity of a Nobel-prize winning poet in a language that isn't English. All because I like having many books on the go which should tell you a little about how my mind works.

I helped a business-owner run his business, and I helped a health centre plan for the next five years of better health outcomes for a vast regional community. I answered copious amounts of emails, ran through the pipeline, grew it, shaped it and trimmed it.

​I updated our website and updated our other website too. ​

I wallowed in failure and sadness, I questioned myself and very soon after I decided to keep moving forward and picked myself up again.

I hugged my kids.

How was my week?

It was a week of exploring the world on a path towards discovering something meaningful.

How was your week?

Tagged: Exploration · Open Minds · Reflection

This essay was first published for subscribers of The Weekly Journal of Creative Leadership and is copyright © Dimitri Antonopoulos, Tank Pty Ltd and can not be re-published without the express permission of the Author.


MarchFirst, The Creative Pro & Strategy Masterclass are Copyright All Rights Reserved Tank Pty Ltd.

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